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Articles of association

of the association of European companies that produce and furnish scaffoldings


  • The association of European companies that produce and furnish scaffoldings is incorporated for a uniform representation of interests of scaffolding commerce in Europe.

    Against this background, the members aim to create a uniform will based on the common interest of all members and to act in this spirit of cooperation.

    National traditions and distinctions shall be adequately taken into consideration. In case of controversial question, the members shall resort to these principles.

§1 Name, registered office, accounting year, legal form,

  • 1. The association carries the name “Association of European scaffolding companies“(UEG)
    2. UEG has its registered office in Cologne, Germany.
    3. The accounting year of UEG is the calendar year.
    4. UEG will be inscribed in the register of associations and will carry the German addition “e.V“.

§2 Objectives

  • The association has set itself the following objectives:
    • Coordinate, attend and support the common macro- and microeconomic, technical, social, cultural and other profession-related interests of the members at European level
    • Obtain, coordinate and develop the common interests of the members,
    • Ensure a constant connection between the members and simplify the exchange between members and their members
    The purpose of the UEG is especially to:
    • support initiatives of members which are of common interest for all members
    • represent commerce interests of the members as well as their members
    • form and spread ethics in the commercial activity of the scaffolding craft
    • participate in the legislative procedure related to the work on scaffolding
    • unify policies and procedures for admission to conduct scaffolding trade
    • unify revisions in the scaffolding trade in Europe
    • unify the contents of vocational preparation courses and examinations in Europe
    • unify the working conditions in the scaffolding trade in Europe
    • unify general conditions in the scaffolding industry, especially:
      • standards for allowance and billing in the scaffolding trade
      • guidelines (criteria) concerning the building of scaffolds
      • regulations of occupational safety in the scaffolding trade
    • regulate conditions and establish an accordant facility to solve disagreements between and with scaffolding companies amicably and conciliatory.

    The UEG does not serve any commercial profit motives (non-profit organisation).

§3 Membership

  • 1. Full Membership

    Full membership can be acquired by:

    1. national professional associations of scaffolding, which were founded in proper form in each of the countries
    2. regional, representative organisations from individual countries in which a broad and national professional association for scaffolding companies does not exist or is not a Full member of the European association UEG
    3. single scaffolding companies, if a professional national association does not exist in the respective country. In case that a national association is founded later and becomes member, the membership of the single scaffolding company changes by the end of the founding year of the national association into an associated membership.
  • 2. Associated membership

    Associated membership can be acquired by:

    natural or legal persons, who are professionally or economically interested in the association and/or want to support the UEG with the payment of contribution, which has to be agreed upon.

    Associated members are especially:

    • manufacturers
    • merchants
    • importers
    • supplier for products for the scaffolding industry
    • service providers for the scaffolding industry (agents, consulting engineers, financial service providers)

    Associated members have all rights and duties as Full members, except the right to vote in the general meeting and the eligibility as a Chair member.
  • 3. Honorary membership

    At proposal of the Chair, the general meeting can appoint

    1. former members of the Chair to honorary Presidents and
    2. persons who have rendered outstanding services to the scaffolding craft to honorary members.

    There are no statutory liabilities and privileges connected to this appointment.

§4 Acquisition and termination of the membership

  • 1. Membership in the UEG initially includes the original members. Further members will be accepted upon request. A written acknowledgement is possible. The request has to be addressed to the Secretary General of the UEG. The chair and the Secretary General decide about the acquisition in compliance with the acquisition criteria set up by the general meeting. The acquisition will be confirmed by the next general meeting.

    2. Membership can be terminated in written form addressed to the Secretary General 3 months to the end of each year.

    3. The general meeting can decide on the debarment of a member for important reasons (e.g. outstanding contribution debts, constitution offences, severe offences against the interest of the association).

    4. All claims toward the UEG expire with the resignation of a member. There will be no refund for already-paid membership fees, cost allocation and foundation expenses. There will be no claim to receive a share in club funds upon termination of the membership.

§5 Ruling bodies

  • The ruling bodies of the UEG are the general meeting and the Chair.

§6 General meeting

  • 1. The general meeting consists of the delegates appointed by the respective full members. Each country can appoint two delegates (one vote).

    2. The Chair of the UEG generally convenes annually, at least two months before the intended date, a regular conference of the general meeting. Along with calling the meeting, the agenda has to be handed out. Any petitions or requests to the agenda must be sent to the General-Secretariat not later than one month before the meeting.

    3. The Chairman of the UEG convenes an extraordinary conference of the general meeting, if this has been requested in written form by at least one third of all members. The application must include a proposed agenda. The extraordinary conference should be held no later than 2 months after the filing of application.

    4. Each duly convened general meeting is a quorum, if 50 % of the members entitled to vote are present. The afore mentioned quorum has to be indicated with each convocation. In case 50% of the members with voting power are not present, another meeting has to be convened immediately in compliance with clause two.

    5. Each Full member has one vote. In case several Full members are present from the same country, each country still has only one vote, so that the members have to decide on who exercises this right. In case of failure of an agreement, it will count as an abstention from voting of this country. Irrespective of nationality, the voting right can be assigned to other delegates.

    6. Resolutions of the general meeting are passed with simple majority of the present votes, as long as the constitution does not provide otherwise. Amendments to the Statutes as well as the dissolution of the association requires a majority of two-thirds of all existing votes. A simple majority requires that of the given votes the number of votes saying yes preponderates the votes saying no or, if there are more candidates, irrespective of the number of the given votes, the maximum number fells the decision.

    7. A transcription of all resolutions at each general meeting has to be made, signed by the Chairman and approved by the next general meeting.

    8. The general meeting deals with all cases that are not explicitly allotted to the Chair. Those duties and responsibilities are particularly the adoption of a resolution to change of the statutes, election and supervision of the Chair, fixation of the member contribution, election of two cash auditors and dissolution of the UEG.

§7 Chair

  • 1. The Chair consists of the Chairman and two Vice-Chairmen:
    1. a Vice-Chairman for the sector economy and law
    2. a Vice Chairman for the sector engineering
    The members of the Chair are required to have different European nationalities.

    2. Eligibility to the chair is restricted to those holding an executive position within a scaffolding company or a leading position within a nationally-recognized specialist scaffolding organization which is a full member of the UEG. The office of chairman as well as at least one vice-chairman office is reserved for persons who currently hold an executive position in a scaffolding company. Committee members are elected by the member body for a term of two years. The chairman and the vice-chairman are elected on the recommendation of their national specialist organizations, which must be full members. The person receiving the absolute majority of all votes cast is elected. If no candidate receives such a majority, then a second ballot takes place between the two candidates with the most votes, in which the simple majority decides. The committee remains in office until a new election takes place.

    3. In case the Chairman is temporarily detained from his office or resigns from office before his term expires, the Vice-Chairman for the sector economy and law provisionally accepts the office. In compliance with the previously mentioned requirements for one of the Vice-Chairmen, the Secretary General provisionally accepts the office. If a member of the Chair resigns from office before his term expires, the next general meeting must initiate a new election for the remaining term of office.

    4. The Chair makes decisions with simple majority of the members. Each member of the Chair has one vote. In case of a voting tie, the vote of the Chairman is decisive. The Chair is quorate when more than half of the members are present. Generally, resolutions are adopted at conferences, at which the Chair must be present. In exceptional cases, especially in cases of urgency or sickness of a chair member, resolutions can also be passed in written procedure (sending it through post, fax, or e-mail), unless a member of the Chair objects.

    5. The Chairman convenes the Chair as necessary or when two members of the Chair request a meeting. The General Secretary in the name of the chairman will give the date, place and agenda of the meeting to the members of the Chair at least three weeks ahead of the conference.

§8 Representation of the UEG

  • The Chair represents the UEG judicially and extrajudicially to the outside subject to § 26 German Civil Code. Each member of the chair is authorised to represent.

§9 Working groups

  • FWorking groups will be established for the engineering sector, the economy and law sector and the European regulations sector, which will be presided by a chairman. The European regulations sector is equally build by members of the working group economy and law and engineering. The members of the working group law and economy as well as the working group for the engineering sector will be proposed by the respective vice-chairman; the members of the European regulations working group by the chairman. The respective members require the approval of the chair. The term of office of the working groups corresponds to that of the chair.

    For the execution of certain issues the chair can install further working groups on limited appointment; the same applies to the working committees subordinate to the working groups.

§10 Membership fees

    1. The general member meeting determines the annual subscription for the full and host members.
    2. The membership fees will be determined according to the terms of the financial order.

§11 Secretary General

    1. The Chair appoints the Secretary General, who additionally conducts current transactions of the UEG as allocated by the Chair. The Secretary General appoints a deputy.
    2. The Secretary General is disciplinarily superior to the personnel, if existent
    3. The General Secretariat is located in the branch office of the German Bundesverband Gerüstbau (BVG). Details of the estimated use will be regulated by particular agreements between the Chair and the BVG.

§12 Rules of procedure

  • The rules of procedure and its alterations will be designed by the Chair and require the approval of the general meeting.

§13 Final clause

    1. The instant constitution is penned in German and in English. The German version is decisive in conflict situations.
    2. All descriptions of status and official capacity apply to respectively male and female form.
Stand: October 2012