UEG – representing the interests of the scaffolding industry in Europe
Here you will find the contact details of the full members and the associate members. Further information on the individual national scaffolding associations or companies can be found on the corresponding websites.

Vereniging van Steiger-, Hoogwerk- en Betonbekistingbedrijven

The Federation of Norwegian Scaffolding Contractor Stillasentreprenørenes Forening (SEF)

Ställningsentreprenörerna (STIB)

General Constractors of Finland
00131 Helsinki
Tel.: +358 9 12991
Fax: +358 9 1299 420

Schweizerischer Gerüstbau Unternehmer Verband SGUV
Postfach 246
3097 Liebefeld
Tel. +41 (0)31 992 78 74
Fax +41 (0)31 992 78 75

Bundesinnung für das Gerüstbauer-Handwerk
51107 Köln
Tel.: 0221/87060-0
Fax: 0221/87060-90

Polska Izba Gospodarcza Rusztowań i Deskowań

FECEL Fédération des Entreprises de Constructions d’Echafaudages du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
L-1347 Luxembourg-Kirchberg
Tel.: +352/ 42 45 11 – 1
Fax: +352/ 42 45 25

75852 Paris Cdedex 17
Tel.: +33 140 551 300

The National Access and Scaffolding Confederation

ALTRAD plettac assco
D-58829 Plettenberg
Phone: +49 (0) 2391 / 815-01
Fax: +49 (0) 2391 / 815-376

58135 Hagen, Germany
Tel.: 0049 (0) 23314709-0
Fax: 0049 (0) 23314709-444

MJ-Gerüst GmbH
D-58840 Plettenberg
Tel.: +49 2391 8105-350
Fax: +49 2391 8105-375

Tobler AG
Ch-9424 Rheineck
Tel.: +41 (0)71 886 06 06
Fax: +41 (0)71 886 06 16

Nordic Platform P/S
DK-6100 Haderslev
Tel.: +45 74 53 00 01

JUMBO Stillads A/S

PERI GmbH Schalung Gerüst Engineering
D-89264 Weißenhorn
Tel.: +49 (0) 7309.950
Fax: +49 (0) 7309.951-0

Wilhelm Layher GmbH & Co KG
D-74363 Güglingen-Eibensbach
Tel.: 07135/ 70-0
Fax: 07135/ 70-265


NLD 7300 AD Apeldoorn
Tel.: +31 (0) 555 999 555

DE-88471 Laupheim
Tel. +49 (0) 7392/96994-0
Fax +49 (0) 7392/96994-4

Octo Stepup Scaffold Europe
United Kingdom, NE11 9SY
Tel.: +44 7391 017 964

Alfix GmbH
DE-09603 Großschirma
Tel. +49 37328 800-100
Fax +49 37328 800-199


Doka GmbH
A-3300 Amstetten
Tel.:+43 (0)7472605
Fax:+43 (0)747264430

UEG – full members

Rösrather Str. 645
51107 Köln
Tel.: 0221/87060-0
Fax: 0221/87060-90
Bundesinnung für das Gerüstbauer-Handwerk
History and foundation of the national association:
On 7 January 1948, the “Fachverband Gerüstbau für das vereinigte Wirtschaftsgebiet” (Scaffolding Trade Association for the Unified Economic Area) was founded in Frankfurt, which was renamed “Bundesverband Gerüstbau e.V.” in 1968. After the structure of the association was reorganised in 1974, the companies became direct members of the Federal Association, which since then has been the centrally managed and powerful representation of the interests of scaffolding in politics and business. Since 1991, the profession of scaffold erector has existed as an apprenticeship and in 1998, scaffold erection was included in the Crafts Code as a full trade with the master craftsman qualification. In order to meet the resulting organisational requirements without, however, renouncing the proven, centrally controlled form of organisation, the “Federal Guild for the Scaffolding Trade” was founded in Cologne on 2 April 1998. As an energetic unit, both organisations pursue the common goal of strengthening the scaffolding trade for the future. Member of the UEG is the Federal Guild for the Scaffolding Trade.
Number of members:
The Federal Guild for the Scaffolding Trade has 712 members.
Focal points of the guild/association:
The Federal Guild for the Scaffolding Trade and the Federal Scaffolding Association represent the scaffolding trade in Germany as a unit. Practical relevance and competence form the foundation for their actions.
The Federal Guild and the Federal Association are
- the voice of the scaffolding trade in Germany,
- They are the first point of contact for all economic, legal and technical questions concerning scaffolding,
- They are the driving force behind technical and regulatory progress, representing the scaffolding trade in national and European standardisation committees and in the political decision-making process.
The Federal Guild and the Federal Association
- support members in running their businesses successfully,
- create a basis of trust for member companies on the basis of fair wage and social standards as a reliable and solution-oriented social partner,
- stand for qualified initial, further and continuing training.
Since when and why have you been a member of the UEG?
As a founding member since 2008.
Decisions taken by the European Union in Brussels have long had an increasing impact on the member states and thus also on craft enterprises, in particular through the transposition of EU directives into national law. Arguments of national interest groups have less and less significance with regard to EU regulations and standards. An effective say in the respective projects can often only be achieved by interest groups organised on a Europe-wide basis. The establishment of a European interest group for scaffolding has therefore been a goal of the Federal Guild for a long time, which was finally realised in 2008 with the successful foundation of the UEG.

2, Circuit de la Foire Internationale
L-1347 Luxembourg-Kirchberg
Tel.: +352/ 42 45 11 – 1
Fax: +352/ 42 45 25
FECEL Fédération des Entreprises de Constructions d’Echafaudages du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
History and foundation of the national associations:
In the eighties there were 2 scaffolding companies in Luxembourg. At the end of the eighties, a third scaffolding company was founded at great financial expense with the resulting price wars on the still manageable Luxembourg scaffolding market. After two larger scaffolding companies were added at the beginning of the nineties, two entrepreneurs who are still active today took the initiative and were able to convince the other competitors of the necessity and usefulness of a national association in many long discussions.
After this convincing, the Luxembourg association FECEL was founded on 6 June 1993.
Number of members:
Currently the federation has 15 members. Actions and efforts are underway to recruit more members.
Main topics of the association:
Representation and recognition of the profession of scaffolder in Luxembourg
Training and further education of scaffolders, related to this the reduction of accidents at work of scaffolders
Harmonisation and standardisation of the specifications for public and private contracts.
Actions and further training courses to raise the awareness of scaffold users concerning the proper handling of and on scaffolds in order to avoid conflicts with other trades and accidents.
Since when and why are you a member of UEG?
The Luxembourg federation FECEL has been a member of the UEG since 2017. One of the main reasons for becoming a member was the fact that, as a member of the UEG, we receive timely information and knowledge about existing standards and can comment on intentions to change them. In addition, membership has enabled us to grasp the scaffolding profession more quickly and globally at European level and to exchange information and standards. The elaboration of the risk assessment for the erection, modification and dismantling of working and protective scaffolds at European level was very helpful for our association in the discussions with the Luxembourg Trade Inspectorate.
A pleasant side effect of membership in the UEG is also the fact that our association is perceived differently – more fully – in negotiations with state and private organisations and institutions.

General Constractors of Finland
P.O.Box 381 Eteläranta 10
00131 Helsinki
Tel.: +358 9 12991
Fax: +358 9 1299 420
General Constractors of Finland
History and foundation of the national associations:
- Our national scaffolding division is part of our main association of house building contractors, that is General Contractors of Finland.
- Scaffolding Division was founded in 2012
12 companies in May 2021
Main topics of the Scaffolding Division:
- Safety at work
- Monitoring the interests of scaffolding companies in construction sector and industry
- Improve training programme for scaffoldings‘ workers
Since when and why are you a member of the UEG?
General Contractors of Finland has been member of UEG since 2013.
Why member of UEG? From our point of view it is important so be part of the European organisation, because:
- UEG is the best forum for scaffolding sector people to gather from different countries in meetings where we can discuss common issues with collegues for example about safety factors, standardisation and technical issues.
- In Finland we have long history with the weather protecion systems, which are to cover different kind of buildings and structures in every season (specially in winter) and we are willing to offer and share our special expertise with other UEG members too in that sector.
- UEG projects are very important (Risk Assessment for instance). And they are on practical level, so the results of them are easy to put into practice in every member country.

Polska Izba Gospodarcza Rusztowań i Deskowań
ul. Czackiego 3/5
00-043 Warszawa
Polska Izba Gospodarcza Rusztowań
History and foundation of the national associations:
Polish Economic Chamber of Scaffolding was founded in 2004 (earlier existing as Polish Association of Scaffolding Companies since 1997). Initially, the Chamber’s office was located in Poznań. It was moved to Warsaw in 2016.
Since 2005, the Chamber has been publishing the „Rusztowania“ („Scaffoldings“) quarterly. The quarterly is still being published – as of May 2021, there has been 57 issues. The Chamber’s experts also write articles that are published in the construction industry press.
The Chamber continuously cooperates with various state and private organizations and institutions. It also holds the prestigious „Scaffolding of the year“ contest and organize technical and scientific conference “Rusztowania” (“Scaffoldings”).
Main topics of the association:
- representing the scaffolding industry during legislative processes
- giving opinions on legal acts
- organizing events, e.g. the „Rusztowania“ technical and scientific conference
- organizing and overseeing scaffolding-related training
- creating ground for exchanging knowledge and experience for the scaffolding industry
Since when and why are you a member of the UEG?
Polish Economic Chamber of Scaffolding has been the member of the UEG since its beginning, as it is one of the UEG‘s founding members. The Chamber is an UEG member to be a part of legislative and certification processes, participate in the sharing of knowledge and experiences and to represent Polish scaffolding industry in the international area.

Waldeggstrasse 37
Postfach 246
3097 Liebefeld
Tel. +41 (0)31 992 78 74
Fax +41 (0)31 992 78 75
Schweizerischer Gerüstbau Unternehmer Verband SGUV
History and foundation of the national associations:
The Swiss Scaffolding Contractors Association SGUV has been representing the interests of its members since 1988 and promotes the training and further education of scaffolders. Through its activities, the SGUV strengthens the image of this responsible and varied profession. Young people are given the opportunity to create a solid foundation for their professional career by means of the apprenticeships Scaffolders EFZ or Scaffolders EBA.
Number of members:
149 full members, 16 guest members, 2 UAK
Main topics of the association:
- Strengthening the professional image
- Training and further education in the scaffolding sector
- Representation of the professional interests
Founding member

Gesällvägen 2
294 77 Sölvesborg
Tel.: +46(0) 456-33 30 95
Ställningsentreprenörerna (STIB)
History and foundation of the national associations:
Ställningsentreprenörerna, STIB are the nationwide association for scaffolding entrepreneurs in Sweden. The association was founded in 1986 and today there are member companies all over the country. Common to the member companies is that they continuously and substantially have their main activities consisting in the assembly of scaffolding.
Main topics of the association:
STIB’s purpose is to monitor the interests of its members and to promote and develop scaffolding activities in the construction and industrial sector. STIB shall work to ensure that members are provided with information and knowledge so that they provide secure scaffold and workplaces at all levels in a qualitative manner.
This is done, among other things, by:
- Create the conditions for companies and their employees to be able to develop so that they can operate under financially secure conditions.
- Develop internal control and quality assurance systems.
- Collaborate with authorities and organizations such as the Swedish Work Environment Authority, Employee Organisations and the Swedish Testing and Research Institute, to influence and contribute to rules and regulations being simple and easily accessible to users.
- Conduct training for scaffolders, supervisors and business leaders in areas such as technology, ergonomics and economics to increase knowledge and awareness of the importance of a good working environment and the risks that always exist.
- Collaborate with suppliers and manufacturers to influence product development.
- Participate in the standardization work for scaffolding in Europe and Sweden.
- Marketing of STIB and its member companies.
When we became aware of UEG, there was no doubt about applying for membership, therefore, STIB applied for- and received membership in 2015.
STIB sees a great profit in being part of UEG, partly for our own development but also for the opportunity to be involved in the development of the scaffoldindustry in a common Europe. With joint forces, we have a greater opportunity for influence and there are also great benefits in learning from each other and share our own experience and knowledge.

10 rue du Débarcadère
75852 Paris Cdedex 17 France
Tel.: +33 140 551 300
History and foundation of the national associations:
Founded in 1967 as the Parisian Scaffolding Professionals Association has gradually grown to become the French Syndicate of Scaffolding, Formwork and Shoring (SFECE) affiliated to the French Building Federation (FFB). The Scaffolding, Formwork and Falsework French Trade Association (SFECE) is the trade association for the following activities: scaffolding, formwork, falsework, shoring and motorized elevating systems for building (lifting, access, suspended or work platforms and builder hoists).
It brings under the same banner contractors, installers, rental companies, importers-exporters, manufacturers of these materials but also accredited training organizations.
Number of members: Around 110 members
Main topics of the association:
To achieve its various objectives, the Syndicate has set itself 5 main missions:
- The technique and quality of the equipment and its implementation, Standardization, and regulations in France and in Europe,
- The enhancement and quality of the training delivered, through the Training Organizations associated with the Syndicate.
- Safety and prevention at work, the guiding line of the professions represented by the SFECE,
- Promotion of trades and professions to the public and professionals,
The SFECE is also the organization responsible for the CQP “Scaffolder” (The only French professional diploma) and ensures its maintenance, organization, and jury.
Since when and why are you a member of the UEG?
Since 2016

Postboks 5466 Majorstuen
0305 Oslo
Telefon + 47 23 08 75 00
Telefax + 47 23 08 75 01
The Federation of Norwegian Scaffolding Contractor Stillasentreprenørenes Forening (SEF)
History and foundation of the national associations:
Number of members: 42
Main topics of the association:
SEF as an industry organization shall contribute to creating a common profile for the industry, safeguarding the members’ special interests both professionally and interdisciplinary.
Since when a member of the UEG?

4th Floor
12 Bridewell Place
London, EC4V 6AP
The National Access and Scaffolding Confederation
History and foundation of the national associations:
The National Access and Scaffolding Confederation (NASC) was founded in 1945 in response to a need for significant construction projects. It remains the principal trade body representing the interests of the access and scaffolding sector in the UK.
Number of members:
Current NASC membership numbers (20 May 2021) are as follows:
254 Full members (Contractors and Suppliers)
17 Design members
28 Information members
10 International Information members
Total: 309
Main topics of the association:
The principal aims of the NASC are to promote and maintain high standards in the UK access and scaffolding industry, with particular regard to the requirements for health and safety, and training. The confederation has strict criteria for membership. Prospective contractor members are audited at time of application, and are subject to regular audit thereafter to ensure that membership requirements are maintained. The confederation has eight standing committees which are comprised of member representatives. These groups are responsible for the development, publication, and revision of industry guidance covering health and safety, technical, contractual and product. Supplier members are required to submit core product for audit, both in the UK, and at manufacturing sites worldwide. The confederation publishes an NASC annual yearbook and an NASC annual safety report. The NASC also organises an annual awards event in November. The NASC is also charged with the management of the UK scaffolding industry training scheme CISRS.
Since when and why are you a member of the UEG?
The NASC joined UEG in 2009 shortly after UEG was formed, and has played a prominent part in its development ever since.

Vereniging van Steiger-, Hoogwerk- en Betonbekistingbedrijven
Postbus 190
2700 AD Zoetermeer
Vereniging van Steiger-, Hoogwerk- en Betonbekistingbedrijven
History and foundation of the national association:
The Dutch trade association for scaffolding, access equipment, aerial platform and concrete formwork companies VSB was founded in 1979. The association consists of assemblers, manufacturers, suppliers and rental companies that supply the full range of work equipment and products from three association divisions with a common goal, namely to create a safe workplace at height. From steel scaffolding, mobile scaffolding, ladders, stairs, mast climbing platforms, construction lifts, lifting platforms, suspension bridge installations, concrete formwork, support structures and facade maintenance installations. The association has around 75 members and donors and has an estimated annual turnover of 800 million euros.
Number of members:
Main activities of the association:
The VSB publishes a complete series of flyers on the subject of “Working safely with”, works on guidelines for the various products for working at height, including the scaffolding guideline and the guideline on concrete formwork and support structures, organises information meetings and knowledge transfer sessions, including webinars, and presents many other ways and means of imparting knowledge. A lot of attention is paid to the topic of innovation for safety and various training initiatives.
Since when and why are you a member of the UEG?
The CDB is a member because the safety of scaffolding and safe working with scaffolding and other products for working at height does not end at national borders. International developments have an impact on national regulations and vice versa. The VSB would like to contribute to this.
UEG – Associate members

Langhennersdorfer Straße 15
DE-09603 Großschirma
Tel. +49 37328 800-100
Fax +49 37328 800-199

PO Box 52 42
D-58829 Plettenberg
Phone: +49 (0) 2391 / 815-01
Fax: +49 (0) 2391 / 815-376

Doka GmbH
Josef Umdasch Platz 1
A-3300 Amstetten
Tel.:+43 (0)7472605
Fax:+43 (0)747264430

Z.I. du Muckental
F-67140 BARR
Tel.:+33 (0) 0388585353
Fax:+33 (0) 0388585354

Fabrikstraße 5
DE-88471 Laupheim
Tel. +49 (0) 7392/96994-0
Fax +49 (0) 7392/96994-4

PO Box 195
NLD 7300 AD Apeldoorn
Tel.:+31 (0) 555 999 555

Ochsenbacher Straße 56
D-74363 Güglingen-Eibensbach
Tel.: 07135/ 70-0
Fax: 07135/ 70-265

Ziegelstraße 68
D-58840 Plettenberg
Tel.:+49 2391 8105-350
Fax:+49 2391 8105-375

Norgesvej 49
DK-6100 Haderslev
Tel.: +45 74 53 00 01

15 Bankside The Watermark,
United Kingdom, NE11 9SY
Tel.:+44 7391 017 964

D-89264 Weißenhorn
Tel.:+49 (0) 7309.950
Fax:+49 (0) 7309.951-0

Neue Straße 7
58135 Hagen, Germany
Tel.: 0049 (0) 23314709-0
Fax: 0049 (0) 23314709-444

Arthur-Hoffmann-Straße 95
04275 Leipzig
Tel.: +49 (0) 176 62677760

Langenhaystr. 48-52
Ch-9424 Rheineck
Tel.:+41 (0)71 886 06 06
Fax:+41 (0)71 886 06 16