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UEG – The representative body for scaffolding in Europe

The Board is elected every second year at the General Assembly. Since October 2020 the Board consists of Geir Gule from Norway (SEF), David Mosley from United Kingdom (NASC) and Marc Herkes from Luxembourg (FECEL).

The General Secretariat has its seat in Germany (Cologne). General Secretary is Hannah Monreal.


Geir Gule — President, Norway (SEF)
Dagmara Tyc — Vice-President Economy and Law, Polen (PIGRiD)
Albin Nilsson — Vice-President Engineering, Sweden (STIB)

General Secretariat

Hannah Monreal — Secretary General, Germany (Cologne)

Honorary President

Martin Angele — Honorary President, (Switzerland)

organisational structure
of the UEG

The organs of the UEG are the General Assembly and the chair. The chair consists of the President, Geir Gule, and two Vice-Presidents: A Vice-President for the field of economics and law, David Mosley, and a Vice-President for the field of engineering, Marc Herkes. The members of the chair have to belong to different European countries.

In addition to the active Working Committee “European Regulations”, further Working Groups can be appointed by the chair on a temporary basis to deal with key issues.